Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Fruit Hunting. Spurs Gallery, Beijing, 2024.

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Fruit Hunting. Spurs Gallery, Beijing, 2024.

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Fruit Hunting. Spurs Gallery, Beijing, 2024.

Exhibition view of Fallen lush racing share, Tara Downs, New York, 2023.

Exhibition view of Fallen lush racing share, Tara Downs, New York, 2023.

Exhibition view of Fallen lush racing share, Tara Downs, New York, 2023.

Exhibition view of Fallen lush racing share, Tara Downs, New York, 2023.

Exhibition view of Bordercrossing: Possibilities and Interactions. Yuz Museum, Shanghai, 2023.

Exhibition view of Crossing Frontiers. Nassima Landau Art Foundation, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 2023.

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Child in the Woods. Spurs Gallery, Beijing, 2022.

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Child in the Woods. Spurs Gallery, Beijing, 2022.

Hou Zichao, 法忽敢水里圆 Spells brave sudden water circle way, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 65 × 59 1/4 in / 165 × 150 cm

Hou Zichao, 顶冒触物燥 Top flow fire touching made, 2022. Acrylic on linen, 65 × 59 in / 165 × 150 cm

Exhibition view of In Defense of Secrets. Tara Downs, New York, 2022.

Exhibition view of In Defense of Secrets. Tara Downs, New York, 2022.

Hou Zichao, 刺二段困速安 Puncture speed two part trap, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 59 1/4 × 47 1/4 in / 150 × 120 cm

Hou Zichao, 被盗的水果 (弯倒的树)The Stolen Fruits (falling tree), 2021. Acrylic on linen, 64 × 59 in / 150 × 165 cm

Hou Zichao, 被盗的水果 (弯倒的树)The Stolen Fruits (falling tree), 2021 (detail). Acrylic on linen, 64 × 59 in / 150 × 165 cm

Hou Zichao, 炸金花, Fire and Gold, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 47 1/4 × 59 in / 120 × 150 cm

Hou Zichao, 炸雪人, Snowy Cracker, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 47 1/4 × 59 in / 120 × 150 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Everlasting. Tara Downs, New York, 2021.

Hou Zichao, Mountain hotel, yelling & shouting, the world in color, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 65 × 59 in / 165 × 150 cm

Hou Zichao, Scenic construction, unfamiliar game goes extreme, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 47 1/4 × 35 1/2 in / 120 × 90 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Everlasting. Tara Downs, New York, 2021.

Hou Zichao, Mountain booms, smoke appears, trees on fire, banana temple, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 78 3/4 × 86 1/2 in / 200 × 220 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Everlasting. Tara Downs, New York, 2021.

Hou Zichao, Near the tree, soul on holiday, how long is it?, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 65 × 59 in / 165 × 150 cm

Hou Zichao, On a whim, innocent push, big change descends, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 65 × 59 in / 165 × 150 cm

Hou Zichao, On a whim, innocent push, big change descends, 2021 (detail). Acrylic on linen, 65 × 59 in / 165 × 150 cm

Hou Zichao, Hero runs, falling stone, sttutering occurs, 2021. Acrylic on linen, 78 3/4 × 59 in / 200 × 150 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: No Time for Romance. Mine Project, Hong Kong, 2020.

Hou Zichao, 免费的午餐, Free Lunch, 2020. Acrylic on linen, 78 3/4 × 102 1/4 in / 200 × 260 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: No Time for Romance. Mine Project, Hong Kong, 2020.

Hou Zichao, 果实, Fruits, 2020. Acrylic on linen, 78 3/4 × 86 1/2 in / 200 × 220 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: No Time for Romance. Mine Project, Hong Kong, 2020.

Hou Zichao, 灵机一动的声音, Doodling Song, 2020. 19 1/2 × 15 3/4 in / 50 × 40 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: No Time for Romance. Mine Project, Hong Kong, 2020.

Hou Zichao, 宝石的浪, Jewelry Wave, 2019. Acrylic on linen, 78 3/4 × 102 1/2 in / 200 × 260 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines. Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, 2019.

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines. Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, 2019.

Hou Zichao, 春光推拿, A massage room with a view, 2019. Acrylic on linen, 65 × 59 in / 165 × 150 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines. Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, 2019.

Hou Zichao, 理想派对 Romantics Can Party, 2019. Acrylic on linen, 65 × 59 in / 165 × 150 cm

Hou Zichao, 去金山的路, The Path to the Golden Top, 2019. Acrylic on linen, 65 × 59 in / 165 × 150 cm

Exhibition view of Hou Zichao: Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines. Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, 2019.

Hou Zichao, 水磨石光, Terrazzo light, 2019. Acrylic on linen, 78 3/4 × 102 1/2 in / 200 × 260 cm